The Market Photo Tours for week's 10 and 11 are now uploaded to flickr.com.
We are starting to head into the best parts of the produce season -- peppers, tomatoes, green beans, and sweet corn. The colors are vibrant and the flavors rich.
We will not see Bridgman Farm this week, but Mary tells us that she will be here next week with lots of tomatoes. Sweet Thing Gourmet will also not be at this week's market (we'll see Mark and Kyla next week).
Visit these vendors each Wednesday through October from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at N. State and E. Home at The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market:
▪ Arjay Gourmet Foods: Rohini's Chutneys, Garam Marsala, and Baked Goods
▪ Batter & Bowl: Cookies and Confections, including the $1 Cut-Out
▪ Bird's Haven Farms: Produce and Flowers
▪ Blue Jacket Dairy: Cheese, really good cheese!
▪ Bridgman Farm: Chemical-free Produce
▪ Carousel Watergardens Farm &
Cathy's Tasty Treats: Produce, Fresh Eggs, Seasonings, Rubs, Spreads, Mixes, Pet Treats
▪ Doran's Family Farm: Produce
▪ Flying J Farm: Certified Organic Produce and Grass-Fed Beef
▪ Honey Health Farms: Raw Honey, Pollen, Personal Care
▪ Landrum Cottage: Specialty Breads and Baked Goods
▪ Luna Burger: Vegetarian Burgers
▪ Malabar Acres: Orchard (later in the season)
▪ Nature's Honey: Goat's Milk and Natual Soaps and Care Products
▪ Northridge Organic Farm: Certified Organic Produce and Lamb
▪ Osage Lane Creamery: Goat's Milk Feta Cheese
▪ Pleiades Maple Products: Maple Syrup and Maple Products
▪ Speckled Hen Farm: Fresh Eggs, Chicken, Chicken Brats & Sausage
▪ Sue's Kitchen: Pie, Baked Goods, Cookies
▪ Sweet Thing Gourmet: Jams and Biscottis
▪ Varley Valley: Fresh Table Breads and Jams & Jellies
Stop by, taste, shop, visit, ask questions... know where your foods come from and shake the hand of the person who grew your produce and baked your bread! The Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market is a shopping experience! See you at the market!
Use your best judgment in a thunderstorm, in case of lightning, market suspends operations. Photo image: Organic peppers from Flying J Farm at the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market by Linda Foor. ©2009 Brickstreet Communications. All rights reserved.
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