To all market patrons, we say... Thank you!
Any farmers' market is energized by its community and in Westerville, we are indeed blessed.
The sights, flavors, and sounds of the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market fast became a weekly favorite for family outings -- kids loved the opportunities to taste so many new flavors and market visitors could meet and connect with the people who were making and growing the food they were buying.
Proudly... All Ohio. Home-grown. Home-made.
Market visitors of all ages came by foot, car, bike, stroller, motorcycle, wheelchairs, and even on motorized-scooters. And, the market was certainly a favorite destination for dog walkers.
Market shoppers would meet or run into friends, classmates, co-workers, and neighbors -- a Wednesday afternoon favorite destination, often filled with surprises.
This year's market started with sunrise features like hanging baskets, baby lettuces, and garden starter and bed plants. During the summer, the market colors and flavors were as bright and rich as the daytime sun reflected in fresh-picked foods like tomatoes, corn, & peaches and in the vibrant beautiful sunflowers that decorated the market each week. And, now our market features the colors and flavors of sunset with pumpkins, root vegetables like sweet potatoes & squash, apples, and stems of bittersweet.
The 2008 market hosted 26 different vendors throughout the season, featuring not only a selection of chemical-free, conventional, and organic produce, but fresh meats, poultry & eggs, artisan foods like chutneys, jams, breads, pies, pastries, coffee, mustard, maple products, rubs, honey, cheeses, milk, and the colors of the season in herbs, hanging baskets, cut flowers, and beautiful mums.
Special thanks go to Church of the Messiah and the City of Westerville for their cooperation and support in hosting our market location at E. Home and S. State streets.
This week, Sue's Kitchen is back after a vacation-break and Sue has apple pie and delicious cinnamon rolls, quick breads, and cookies. Sue's pies are a market favorite and one week this season, Sue sold 33 pies in 15 minutes! (Hint: if you want pie, come at 3 p.m. and head right to Sue's Kitchen!!) Jane Varley of Varley Valley is attending market today with a selection of jams and jellies -- so good.
Keep in mind... this Friday, October 31st, is the Westerville Uptown Merchants Association's Midnight Madness event. WUMA is starting a new Madness tradition: The Community Pumpkin Display. Enter a pumpkin in the display from the Uptown Westerville Farmers' Market! (Drop off is Friday from noon to 4 p.m. and then 7 to 8:30 p.m.)
Arjay Gourmet Foods (Rohini's Chutneys) will not be at this week's market.
Check back with the blog -- we'll be letting you know what vendors you can reach during the winter months.
See you today at the market!!
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